Friday, January 30, 2015

Chapter 3: Form & Space

Form & Space: The Unity of Opposites: 

The visual perception between positive (figure) and negative space (ground). The visual interaction between figure and ground within the composition are usually easy to define through the filled (poche) and the blank areas. However, there are times the designer intends to play with our perception and make the figure ground ambiguous, that we simultaneously switch the visual identities back and front. Architecture uses the technique to define the relationship between the mass and space.
The empty void gives an illusion of spacious space, a void that nothing occupies, but it is actually a form, a mass that is capable of containing another.

Defining Space With Horizontal Elements:

Horizontal architectural elements usually referred to planes: base, elevated depressed and overhead planes. These include ceilings and floors. They define the surface zone, articulate space and express continuity.

The vaulted ceiling (overhead plane) gives an impression of taller interior which can be made used of in a limited space for more decoration and even provides more light. 

Defining Space With Vertical Linear Planes:

Architectural vertical elements define boundaries, establish volume and disclosure to create privacy against the exterior. They are structural supports for the horizontal elements. The vertical linear elements have single, L-shaped, parallel, U-shaped, closure planes.

The difference in angles and in planes position breaks out the visual ordinary, shows the boundary and limits of the building .

Quality of Architectural Space:

Qualities of space lies in may factors: form, color, texture, proportion, scale, pattern, sound, degree of closure, light, view that also depend on properties of enclosure. These combined effects help form and space coexist and establish the interior's culture and personality.
The illuminated opening of the cross lets the light seeps in as the only salvation and holy light from God.

Openings in Space-Defining Elements:

Visual and spatial continuity is strengthen with openings. They offer entry, influence the space movement and direction, illuminate the interior and establish relationship between the room and adjacent planes. Openings can be place within planes, at corners, and between planes. They are typically doors and windows.
A simple square window from the bathtub helps to get rid of the enclosure and stuffiness, and the let the viewer enjoy view while taking the bath. 


  1. I like your definitions, its clear and detailed. Your images are very helpful, so I can see visually. good job:))

  2. Chi, I think you created unique and beautiful examples. Your explanations are very organized and clear as well. :D

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