Monday, January 5, 2015

Word Association and Reflection

Word Association:

About me:
Random ~ simple ~ clean ~ naive ~ responsible ~ frugal ~ punctual ~ dense ~ impatient ~ stressed ~ shy ~ old-fashioned ~ patriotic ~ fair ~ ambitious ~ honest ~ adaptable ~ traditional ~ transparent ~ insensitive ~ traveller ~ eater ~ cheap ~ emotional

Design to me:
Simple ~ clean ~ functional ~ universal ~ adaptable ~ economical ~ traditional ~ organic ~ approachable ~ harmonious ~ dynamic ~ logical ~ honest ~ contemporary ~ transcending ~ classics ~ persuasive ~ connection ~ communication ~ alive ~ technical ~ senses ~ contemporary ~ innovative ~ natural

Personal Goals:
1) Become more hardworking and break out of the comfort zone
2) Be less stressed or I won't make it in life
3) Become more focused and efficient in techniques and time
4) Do put more efforts in communication and volunteering even though it's hard
5) Be balanced. All right?!


1) I was originally an architecture major, but I switched to interior design due to the reality of the working world, family and health reasons. Nevertheless, interior design is something that I enjoy and when I have a job, I am more devoted to it if I love it rather than when I'm good at it. 
2) An artist is someone who always seek new things and continuous try to improve the existing. An artist does not cut corner and express their all through their work. An artist does not seek perfection, but rather their own satisfaction in connecting with the audience. I am not a full fledged artist yet but once I have discover my work ideals and ethics, and become true to the mentions above, I will certainly be one.
3) For my works, I want to express that the design is true to the materials and the function the space offers. I hope to create works that are accessible, comfortable and functional to everyday's lives, and at the same time, help people to become more aware and appreciative the art industry.
4) A journey brings happiness because you know the answers are at the end of the goal. Therefore, it is not necessarily the case that I have to seek the answers to be happy, but what happens during the journey is already happiness. I hope design will become a part of my everyday's live and bring self satisfaction and create even further happiness to others.
5) Right now is the beginning. I will surely fail more than succeed but eventually, all of these will become a part of me and build who I will later. That's why I am going to give my all to my works and be opened to the endless possibilities ahead

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see how you used the free flowing lines of the Sydney opera house instead of straight lines that most people think of when the word line is heard.
